Magazine Features
The excellent work our dedicated and professional team put in on a daily basis often gets very little recognition. Don’t get us wrong, we don’t want you send us flowers or anything! But when respected fitness and muscle mags sing our praises we kinda feel it’s our duty to share it with you…

Peer-to-peer lending backs Iron Works gym owners
MAGAZINE: Birmingham Post
Husband and wife team use lending model to help raise £150,000 for Iron Works Gym...

Ronnie Coleman Trains at Iron Works
MAGAZINE: Women's Fitness
Amidst the great training buzz that the BodyPower Expo 2013 weekend brought upon us at Iron Works Gym in Birmingham, Ronnie Coleman, 8x Mr Olympia, let us repeat that again, 8 times the biggest most muscular man in the world, came for a training session at Iron Works.

Ronnie Coleman Trains at Iron Works
MAGAZINE: Men's Fitness
Amidst the great training buzz that the BodyPower Expo 2013 weekend brought upon us at Iron Works Gym in Birmingham, Ronnie Coleman, 8x Mr Olympia, let us repeat that again, 8 times the biggest most muscular man in the world, came for a training session at Iron Works.